The Best Resume Writing Tips 2023

When it comes to looking for work and achieving your dream, resume writing or CV writing represents a cornerstone for you. So, in this article, we are presenting the best resume writing tips 2023.
What is a CV?
A ” CV ” is an acronym that stands for Latin “Curriculum Vitae’, which means “a lesson or life path”, and it is a detailed document highlighting your professional and academic history, which will be needed when applying for a job at a particular company or organization.
In the united states, Canada, and Australia, a CV is used for educational purposes such as applying for an academic position. In other countries, a CV is considered exactly like an American resume and it is used when you are planning to apply for a job.
In short, a CV is a way to express yourself. We can say, it is a professional marketing tool for your professional experiences.
Is there a difference between a CV and a resume?
Ok, let us be clear. In the HR industry, for the time being there is almost no difference between a CV and a resume. It’s the same thing that British call a CV and US people call—a resume. Exactly like they do with chips and french fries or football and soccer.
Therefore, you should create a great convincing CV if you are applying for an EU organization or company. But if you are going to apply for a job in the US, you should make a resume.
We are sure that when you are applying for a job, you find yourself in a competition with tens or hundreds of applicants.
Imagine yourself working in the HR department and you have to review hundreds of job applications. Are you going to read them all, one by one! or paper by paper? of course you will not do that.
Most recruiters spend 6 – 8 seconds on average scanning each applicant’s CV. So, the key is to attract the recruiter from the first glance. Elegant and well-organized documents with a great format will convince the recruiters or HR team to go deep on your CV and application in general. So, the first impression is the last impression.
Let us know together with how to format an attractive and convincing CV or resume.
Resume Writing Tips:
There are a lot of templates and samples of resumes, but it is important to know that your resume should reflect your unique education, qualifications, skills, and experience. Sometimes, you have to make a tailored resume for a job you are applying for. Here are a few tips that will help you to improve your resume and make it more suitable for the targeted job.
1. Pay attention to the keywords in the position or job posting
Read the job posting carefully and study the description of the job in addition to the keywords that the employer is looking for in the potential candidate. Include these keywords in your resume where relevant and possible.
2. Review some resume samples in the same field
To know what are the best practices in your field and how the flow goes, you should review a few examples of previous resumes in the same field. It would give you some inspiration or guide you in a way or another. And here you should focus on:
- Making your resume short, clear and easy to read.
- Include only the most relevant information that employers may be interested in.
- Include numbers and measurable proven values. Numbers give employers a better understanding of the added value you may bring to this position.
3. Use a suitable and professional font in resume writing process
Employers usually have a very short time to review resumes. So, your resume should be clear and easy to read. It is preferable to use a basic and clean font like Times New Roman. The font size should be between 10 and 12. These simple tips will help you in making your resume looks more professional.
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4. Use the most relevant information and give priority to the most important information
According to HR studies, recruiters spend about 6 seconds per resume. So, if your resume includes irrelevant information such as minor achievements, this might distract recruiters from the major and important information.
The most important advice here is to include relevant work experience, skills, and education to the employer.
5. Bring attention to significant achievements
There is no need to list all your previous jobs under the experience category, choose the top three most significant achievements in each position or role you have held. Do not forget to include measurable values to make your achievements more imaginable.
6. Proofreading and make amendments of your resume
Before submitting your application or sending your resume, you should go through the proofreading process to ensure there are no errors or mistakes. You may ask your friend to review it for you as well. A third-party reading is a very good step and might reveal some hidden mistakes.
Good luck